Ligno-nanocellulose and bacterial cellulose
We utilize novel cellulosic materials from various sources to develop high value-added applications.

Schematic showing of the bacteria cellulose object biofabrication principle and procedures (Ref.4)
Selected References
1) Greca L.G., Rafiee M., Karakoç A., Lehtonen J., Mattos B.D., Tardy B.L., Rojas O.J., Guiding bacterial activity for biofabrication of complex materials via controlled wetting of superhydrophobic surfaces, ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 12929-12937.
2) Tardy B.L., Richardson J.J., Greca L.G., Guo J., Ejima H., Rojas O.J., Exploiting supramolecular interactions from polymeric colloids for strong anisotropic adhesion between solid surfaces, Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 1906886.
3) Tardy B.L., Mattos B.D., Garcia Greca L.G., Kämäräinen T., Klockars K.W., Rojas O.J., Tessellation of chiral‐nematic cellulose nanocrystal films by microtemplating, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1808518.
4) Greca L.G., Lehtonen J., Tardy B.L., Guo J., Rojas O.J., Biofabrication of multifunctional nanocellulosic 3D structures: a facile and customizable route, Materials Horizons, 2018, 5, 408-415.