We develop bio-based materials of different scales, mainly those displaying large interfacial areas such as fibers (micro/nanofibers), fiber networks, particles, and colloidal systems. The BiCMat group, led by Orlando Rojas, currently spans activities in Canada (University of British Columbia, Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chemistry and Wood Science) and Finland (Aalto University, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems).

Welcome to our

BiCMat group

BiCMat is part of the BioProducts Institute in Canada and the FinnCERES flagship in Finland.

Renewable Nano- and Microparticles

Self-Assembly & Functional Materials

Bio-Based Material Development

Guiding Bacterial Activity for Biofabrication of Complex Materials via Controlled Wetting of Superhydrophobic Surfaces, ACS Nano, 14, 12929–12937 (2020).

Developing fibrillated cellulose as a sustainable technological material, Nature, 590, 47–56 (2021).
Self-Assembly of Soft Cellulose Nanospheres into Colloidal Gel Layers with Enhanced Protein Adsorption Capability for Next-Generation Immunoassays, Small, 16, 2004702 (2020).
Chirality from Cryo-Electron Tomograms of Nanocrystals Obtained by Lateral Disassembly and Surface Etching of Never-Dried Chitin, ACS Nano, 14, 6921–6930 (2020).

Activities 2021
Activities 2020
Activities 2019
Activities 2018
Activities 2017
Activities 2016
Activities 2015

Green Chemistry & Sustainable Processing

Biomimetics & Bioinspired Materials

Exploiting supramolecular interactions from polymeric colloids for strong anisotropic adhesion between solid surfaces, Advanced Materials, 1906886 (2020).

Rojas Group on Twitter